Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Causes of American Divorce Essay

For the last decade, the issue of American divorce has increased dramatically. A significant change in economical, psychological and emotional mind set could be the explanation of why so many American are ending their relationship in divorce. Issues such as, not having enough financial stability, lack of communication and lack of commitment, in other words infidelity, could provide an explanation to society of why divorce has increased throughout the years. The first cause of divorce may be because of not having enough financial stability from one of the spouses or both. The quote, â€Å"Money is the root of all evil,† may be true, especially when it comes to American marriages. Although, instead, the quote should say â€Å"Money is the root to all reasons marriages fail.† Money may not be the only reason it fails but could be one of the reasons. An example of this could be, if a spouse is paying for necessity based things, such as, bills and food and the other spends too much on things that are useless, this could become a problem, especially when children are involved. Most married couples tend to forget that when they say their marriage vows, there is an important line that pertains to money and that is, â€Å"Til debt do us part.† Relationships sometimes begin and the spouse may not know the financial difficulties one may be having. This could cause a problem when the couples try to buy a house or a car. Frustra tion could come upon them and eventually end the marriage due to the arguments. However, financial problems might not be the only cause of divorce. The second cause of American marriages ending in divorce could be, lack of communication. Most couples tend to stay fairly busy with work or college and don’t get a large amount of time to talk about issues one may be facing with the other, for fear that an argument may happen. However, not talking about the issues could become a problem. For example, the spouse may do something the other doesn’t like and if it keeps happening, the petty problem could cause an outrage to spark and since they were unable to solve the problem before because of lack of communication it could lead to the marriage possibly failing. The quote, â€Å"Love is communication, so the bottom line is; a lack of communication is a lack of love,† could be true for most marriages because not talking could cause separation between the spouses. The third cause of American divorce could be lack of commitment or infidelity. Infidelity is the act of unfaithfulness to a person. This could be the number one cause of marriage failure. For example, a spouse may not be into the sexual arousal game as the other spouse is. This could then lead to the spouse engaging in sexual activity with someone other than the person they married to. Sexual desire is not the only form of infidelity. Lust may be consider as adultery as well. A spouse may begin to have fantasies of being with someone else or an intense desire of love toward a person. To conclude, the three possible reasons American marriages fail could be because of financial issues, lack of communication and lack of commitment or infidelity. The numbers are becoming dramatically alarming. To stop this problem from happening marriages should build their relationship on a strong foundation and beware of rushing into things before talking about. Communication should be an important matter in any relationship.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Professional Moral Compass Essay

Ethics, a branch of philosophy refers to the values for human conduct, considering the rightness and wrongness of actions and motives. As nursing profession is an integral part of the health care environment, the nursing ethics provides the insight to the values and ethical principles governing nursing practice, conduct, and relationships. The Code of Ethics for Nurses, adopted by the American Nurses’ Association (ANA) is intended to provide definite standards of practice and conduct that are essential to the ethical discharge of the nurse’s responsibility (American Nurses Association, 2012) A nurse cultivates personal ethics through personal, cultural and spiritual values which becomes a moral compass for their professional ethics. Personal ethics in combination with the code of ethics often assist the nurses in personal and social decision making during ethical dilemma. This ability prompts them to better respond to needs of the suffering patient and their own well-being. This paper will discuss the personal, cultural, and spiritual values contributing to nurses’ individual worldview and philosophy of nursing and the moral and ethical dilemma being faced in this profession. Values Contributing to Individual’s Worldview and Philosophy of Nursing Born in a Christian middle class Western Indian family, the strict traditional values helped to embed the concept of service, trust, respect, integrity and responsibility through family, friends, education and beliefs. The personal and spiritual belief on the remarks, â€Å"Do to others as you would have them do to you†, from the New International Version of Bible has kindled the concept of service, integrity and respect at an early age of one’s personal life. The cultural quench to care for fellow humans and strive to make difference in one’s own life prompts one to accept Nursing as a profession. Acquaintance to different cultures, languages and religions influences the world views and nursing decisions in providing culturally sensitive care. The traditional spiritual and cultural moral values along with diverse worldviews became the directorial moral compass to take the right decision on behalf of the patients and personal life and empowered to improve the confidence and capability as a nurse. Values, Morals and Ethics in Nursing Practice Values, Morals and Ethics are often reflected as interweaved behavioral rules. Values are one’s fundamental beliefs developed from childhood through family and society. Morals are values that attribute to a system of beliefs. Ethics is the ability to make right and wrong decision based on adopted morals (Navran F. J. , 2010). When values, morals and ethics of an individual have influence over the nurses’ professional conduct, it often tips to conflicting situation in one’s nursing practices. One such situation is the issue of ‘abortion’. When a nurse’ spiritual doctrine is against abortion, it would be against their moral to assist in decision making to abort the baby even when the fetus is deformed, thus arising an ethical dilemma between the personal moral values and the professional ethics. Thus a communication barrier is often felt by nurses while dealing with physicians/ patients during the early days of practice in different cultures but eventually scholar to converse on behalf of the patient and to be an efficient patient advocate. The moral values adopted during the years of experience gets reformed with new believes and practices and hence enables to provide better ethical care during the nursing profession. The Codes of Ethics serves as guidelines when the nurse’s individual moral values conflict with the actions expected from their profession (American Nurses Association, 2012). Morals and Ethical Dilemmas Faced in the Health Care Field As nurse’s role in health care environment varies from caring, communicating, teaching to advocating and leadership, the likelihood of moral and ethical dilemma is inescapable. Such situations arise when there is an opposing conflict among intentions, decisions, and actions between the right and wrong. A common dilemma faced by the care providers is based on religious and spiritual background. Some religions do not support induced death by humans and nurses may have trouble supporting the patient and family about cases like abortion. Although it is the individual’s right to make decisions about their bodies, the religious values do not allow one to be a part of the procedure. Another issue is when nurses encounter’s with patients diagnosed with AIDS or other sexually acquired diseases. The nurses become judgmental towards the patient ultimately interfering in the care of such patients. Any of the above circumstances affects the behavior and decision making to provide quality care to the patients that will place nurses in ethical dilemma, and will force them to turn towards the ethical guidelines set forth by the Code of Ethics for Nurses. The nurses should always strive to safeguard patient’s right, and their well-being while maintaining professional integrity (American Nurses Association, 2010) . Conclusion Nurses’ being the important element of the health care field, their decisions along with commitment plays an essential role for the welfare and safety of humanity. Their decision making capabilities molded from the framework of their personal, cultural and spiritual values often lead them to ethical dilemma. In situation with conflicting moral values, the nurses are expected to be professional and ethical, and refer the Code of Ethics to get guidance for the ethical dilemma to allow nurses to deliver quality care. Although a nurses’ worldview is influenced by the cultural, religion and moral values, one should follow the code to maintain the respectability and integrity of their profession.

Hofstede’s cultural dimensions of Australia and China Essay

Mismanaging cultural differences can render otherwise successful managers and organisations ineffective when working across cultures. As stated byOsland (1990, p. 4) â€Å"The single greatest barrier to business success is the one erected by culture†. Hofstede (1983) defines culture as â€Å"the mental programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another† (Hofstede 1983 p. 25). Through the comparison of Chinese culture and Australian culture using Hofstedes five cross-cultural dimensions: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity, individualism, and long-term orientation an insightful view into the differences and similarities of the cultures can be obtained (Chong & Park 2003). Human Resource Management (HRM) activities such as: recruitment and selection, career planning and development, employee motivation, and compensation and benefits need to be performed in alignment with national culture as effectiveness of a human resource management practice hinges on the degree to which it fits the values and beliefs of people in the host country. By exploring the differences and similarities of Chinese and Australian culture from a HR perspective strategies aimed at achieving organisational goals can be better achieved. The inherent weaknesses of Hofstedes framework will also be discussed to emphasise the importance of other methods for determining culture. Greet Hofstede’s (1980) landmark study involved more than one hundred thousand IBM employees in forty countries. From those results, and later additions, Hofstede developed a model for classifying national cultures and analysing work behaviour according to five underlying dimensions: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity, individualism, and long-term orientation (Chong & Park 2003). Hofstedes analysis of each country can provide a better understanding into the national culture that is specific to each country. The significant findings of Hofstedes analysis of Australia include a low power distance score of 36 (ITIM International 2003). Societies with low power distance are characterized by the norm value that inequalities between people should be minimized, and, to the extent that hierarchies exist in such societies and their organizations, they exist only for administrative convenience. Subordinates and superiors regard each other as like people, who have equal r ights and representation (Hofstede 1983). In  comparison China has a relatively high power distance of 80 (ITIM International 2003). By contrast, high power distance societies are characterised by the acceptance of inequality and its institutionalisation in hierarchies which locate people in their â€Å"rightful places†. In high power distance societies, superiors are expected to lead and make decisions, and subordinates are generally afraid and unwilling to disagree with their superiors (Hofstede 1983). As a result of the significant difference in power distance between Australian and China Human Resource activities such as performance appraisals will require different approaches. In Australia and many western cultures performance appraisals are generally linked to the job description and individual career development plans. In Australian 360 degree feedback is often incorporated using feedback from management and peers. Constructive criticism is also another important component in the performance appraisals used i n Australia which is vital for identifying gaps in learning and development and is accepted by employees as the norm (Harrison 1995). By contrast performance appraisals in China are less frequent as both managers and workers in Chinese enterprises want to avoid blunt confrontations; it is understandable that they would try to minimise the frequency of such conflict-prone encounters in the workplace (Huo 1995). Peer evaluation, frequently used in Australian organisations, virtually does not exist in the China. This may be attributed to the traditional authoritarian leadership style prevalent in Chinese enterprises where only supervisors are deemed qualified to evaluate subordinates’ performance (Huo 1995). Performance appraisals generally involve two-way communications which is not embraced by Chinese culture as the large power distance found in China indicated that to challenge authority of superiors is not considered appropriate for subordinates (Huo 1995). Therefore when conducting a performance appraisal in China it is expected that the evaluated will be more subjective. A straight forward form of apprais al would be better received and employee participation should not be forced. Of significant interest is Australia’s high individualism ranking of 90 (ITIM International 2003) . High Individualism implies a society believes that people should largely remain independent from groups, and that people should have a self-concept of being an independent individual rather than a  dependent member of a group(Harrison 1995). In comparison China ranked extremely low with a score of 20 in the individualism ranking (ITIM International 2003). This is as a result of the society fosters strong relationships where everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of their group with an emphasis on a Collectivist society as a result of the Communist rule (Hofstede 1980). As a result of the different stance of each culture on individualism human resource activities such as compensations and benefits will need to be approached in a different way. In Australian rewards are geared towards pay for performance which motivates the individual to stand out from the crowd in particular at more senior management levels. Compensation is not just related to salary but can include bonuses, commissions, and other merit based reward programs for individual contributions. In contrast Chinese tend to focus on the goals of the collective rather than individual goals. Group approaches have been a dominating influence on Chinese social and working life, including team work, group decision making, group reward, group cohesiveness and group consultation (Satoe & Wang 1994). Chinese employees do not want to stand out from the crowd. Thus it has been suggested that Western business practices, such as personnel incentives, do not work (Myers, 1987). Therefore when conducting business within the Chinese culture compensation and benefits should be based on a collective theory where there are less individual incentives rather a focus on the performance of the group or work units. In a field experiment which combined team duties with group incentives, the team responsibility system proved to have a positive effect on members’ expectancy, achievement attribution, morale and satisfaction (Satoe & Wang 1994). The great distinction between Australia’s score of 31 for Long Term Orientation compared with Chinas score of 118 suggest great cultural differences (ITIM International 2003). Long Term Orientation is a measure of the degree the society embraces, or does not embrace long-term devotion to traditional, forward thinking values. As Australia has a low score this indicates that change can occur more rapidly as long-term traditions and commitments do not become impediments to change (Harrison 1995). In contrast to this a country with a high score such as China value long-term  commitments and respect tradition. This is thought to support a strong work ethic where long-term rewards are expected as a result of today’s hard work (Harrison 1995). These types of diverse cultural views towards long term orientation will impact of the way human resource activities such as recruitment and selection are carried out. In Australia it is common for employees to have several difference employers in there working career and even several changes in industry. Recruitment and selection practises in Australia are aimed at aligning the best fit between employees and the organisation in terms of goals and competencies. Recruitment and selection in Australian generally includes interviewing, psychometric tests, assessment centres and other measures of assessment. In contrast with this Chinese employment pattern has traditionally been life employment with three guarantees â€Å"guaranteed job assignment, guaranteed pay irrespective of performance and guaranteed tenure of senior positions† (Lewis 3003) . Selection criteria seem quite different from the West. For example, Easterby-Smith et al. (1995) found that selection criteria for managerial appointments in their case study organisations were â€Å"good moral practice; adequate competence; working hard and excellent performance records; political loyalty and harmonious relationships with others†. Longevity in a job in Australia is not necessarily seen as a good thing and can be construed as complacency whereas in China it aligns with the cultural drivers of loyalty and tradition. When conducting recruitment and selection in China it must be kept in mind that they traditionally do not place too much emphasis on the interview and almost never employ psychometric tests and assessment centres. Rather than acting out against the traditional job for life concept by replacing current staff with more qualified candidates managers should perhaps ensure sound training and development programs are in place to achieve a fit between employee and organisation. Hofstedes measures of Masculinity and uncertainty avoidance for both Australia and China were similar in score. Masculinity stands for a societal preference for competition, while femininity represents a tendency to place relationships with people above money to help others, to care for the weak and to preserve quality of life (Harrison 1995). Australia scored 61 compared with Chinas score of 66 (ITIM International 2003). Similarly the  measurement of uncertainty avoidance which indicates to what extent a culture programs its members to feel either uncomfortable or comfortable in unstructured situations are quite close in score with Australia at 51 compared with China at 30 (ITIM International 2003). The small difference in uncertainty avoidance suggests that within Chinese culture there is a more relaxed and tolerant attitude towards the unfamiliar as compared with Australia where there is less tolerance towards uncertainty and ambiguity. This may impact on human resource activities such as career planning and development. In Australia career planning and development is generally quite structured and directed as employees like to have a clear career path while in Chinese culture they more comfortable with a less structured approach to career planning and development and expect they career will progress in time. Despite its widespread familiarity and influence, Hofstede’s work has been extensively criticized. One reason is that he used the employees of a single large multinational company to represent the cultures of different nationalities. It is clear that such a sample, no matter how large, may not be representative of the respective countries’ national cultures (Mcsweeny 2002). The national culture of China as identified by Hofstese is quite general and it must be kept in mind that the averages of a country do not relate to individuals of that country (Mcsweeny 2002). There are always exceptions to the rule and Hofsteds analysis does not allow for this and therefore should only be taken as general guidelines. It must also be kept in mind that these studies were conducted over 25 years ago. Due to the inherent weaknesses of the frameworks discussed it is vital that other factors be taken into consideration when analysing national culture. It is important to remember that the culture of a country changes over time, either by internal or external influences. Although the measures identified that China has a collective society and it is though as a generalisation that that collectivists are more cooperative was not supported by experimental results. It was found that subjects from the more individualistic region, Beijing, were more cooperative in working toward mutually beneficial outcomes than were subjects from the more collectivist region, Wuhan (Koch & Koch 2007). This research alludes to the conclusion that the Chinese generally have a collective society within the community  they are familiar with but to some degree are less willing to have a collective frame of mind with a group they are less familiar with. This type of social behaviour would be important for management of Chinese culture in circumstance such as group work where participants may not be as eager to participate as once thought within unfamiliar groups. With the inherent weaknesses of Hofstedes framework it is important to consider a broader range of issue in order to obtain an accurate and current insight into national culture. As Coen Heijes states â€Å"no matter how interesting standardised dimensions may be, without a specific knowledge of history, language and education, cross-cultural understanding is doomed from the start† (Heijes 2007 p.94). Hofstedes five cross-cultural dimensions: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity, individualism, and long-term orientation provide an insight into the national culture of both Australia and China. National culture is important to consider when performing human resource activities as the effectiveness of a human resource management practice hinges on the degree to which it fits with the values and beliefs of people in the host country. Human Resource activities that need to be aligned with cultural factors include: recruitment and selection, career planning and development, compensation and benefits, and performance appraisals. In comparing the performance appraisal process, Australians are likely to be more responsive to a 360 degree type feedback with much interaction between managers and subordinates where Chinese employees are likely to be more responsive to a more subjective performance appraisal with little contribution in the form of feedback from peers or personal contributions due to the difference in the power distance of each culture. Compensation and benefits in Australia can be geared towards pay for performance of individuals and may include bonuses, commissions, and other merit based reward programs for individual contributions. Whereas in the Chinese culture compensation and benefits should be based on a collective theory where there are less individual incentives and rather a focus on the performance of the group due to difference in Hofstedes individualism measures. Recruitment and selection practices comparisons between the two countries are impacted by the difference in long term orientations. The recruitment and selection process  in Australia is important due to the frequently changing roles of employees and the importance of finding a fit between organisation and employee whereas in China recruitment and selection aligns with the cultural drivers of loyalty and tradition. When conducting recruitment and selection in China it must be kept in mind that they traditionally do not place too much emphasis on the interview and almost never employ psychometric tests and assessment centres. The slight difference in uncertainty avoidance dimension impact on human resource activity of career planning and development. In Australia career planning and development is generally quite structured and directed as employees like to have a clear career path while in Chinese culture they more comfortable with a less structured approach to career planning and development and expect they career will progress in time. While Hofstedes dimensions cross-cultural dimensions have been critiqued as being to some degree too generalised, small sample sizes, out dated, over simplifying complex tasks. Therefore the framework discussed should only be used as a rough guide to understanding national culture. As suggested by Coen Heijes (2007) other factors such as political and legal systems, religion, education, language, ethics, and motivation among many others must be considered to obtain a current insight into national culture. Reference list: Easterby-Smith, M., Malina, D. and Yuan, L. (1995), â€Å"How culture-sensitive is HRM? A comparative analysis of practice in Chinese and UK companies†, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp. 31-59. Harisson, G. (1995), â€Å"Satisfaction, tension and interpersonal relations: a cross-cultural comparison of managers in Singapore and Australia†, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Volume 10, Number 8, pp. 13-19Heijes, C. (2007), ‘The Broad Dimensions of Doing Business Abroad’, The Business Review, Vol.8, No.1, pp 93-99Hofstede, G. (1980), Culture’s Consequences. International Differences in Work-Related Values, Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, CA., . Hofstede, G. (1983), â€Å"The cultural relativity of organizational practices and theories†, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 75-89. Huo, P. (1995), â€Å"On transplanting human resource practices to China: A culture-driven approach†, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 16 No. 9, pp. 3-15. ITIM International 2003, Geert Hofstede BV, the Netherlands, viewed 12th August 2008, <>Koch, B. Koch, P. (2007) ‘Collectivism, individualism, and out group cooperation in a segmented China’, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Vol. 24, No.2, pp 207-225Lewis, P. (2003), â€Å"New China – old ways? A case study of the prospects for implementing human resource management practices in a Chinese state-owned enterprise†, Employee Relations, Vol. 25, No. 1,pp. 42-60Mcsweeny, B. (2002), ‘Hofstede’s Model of National Cultural Differences and Their Consequences: A Triumph of Faith – A Failure of Analysis’, Human Relations, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 89-118Myers, H. (1987), â€Å"The China business puzzle†, Business Horizons, July-August, pp. 25-8. Osland, G.E. (1990), â€Å"Doing business in China: a framework for cross-cultural understanding†, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 8,No. 4, pp. 3-15. Satow, T.Wang, Z. (1994), â€Å"Cultural and Organizational Factors in Human Resource Management in China andJapan: A Cross-cultural Socio-economic Perspective† Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 9 No. 4, pp. 3-11

Monday, July 29, 2019

Critical analysis and implications of the practice resulting from the Essay

Critical analysis and implications of the practice resulting from the exploration of the patient journey - Essay Example The terminology, â€Å"terminal illness† that emerged and spread in the mid 20th century refers to a condition that cannot sufficiently be treated and is thus expected to end in death after a given period. Among the conditions commonly considered terminal are progressive ones such as advanced trauma-related heart diseases and cancers (Winslow et al., 2005). Terminal diseases are thus conditions that finally end the sufferers’ lives. There are several stages of terminal illnesses that medical professionals should be familiar with. The fact that different patients and their families react differently to news about these stages implies that nurses and other medical professionals should know how to handle and communicate news about each of these stages. The first stage of a terminal illness is the disbelief phase during which most people are shocked and despaired at news about terminal illness. This phase is sometimes marked by feeling of guilt as one suspects he/she has do ne something wrong to deserve such an illness. The disbelief stage is followed by the stage of depression, which range from mild to moderate in intensity, calling for immediate family and professional support (medical therapy). Since there is no cure for terminal illnesses, only certain types of medical treatments such as treatment to ease breathing or reduce pain could be appropriate. While some incurably ill people accept aggressive treatments to reduce their suffering or in the hope of full recovery, others reject all unbearable treatments that might result in unwanted side effects and worsened condition (Abma et al., 2005). Still. Some opt to undergo untried treatments including radical dietary modifications in the hope that they could prove effective. To help manage pain, suffering, symptoms and to improve general patient life and wellbeing regardless of the management approach used, palliative care is often recommended. To provide the much needed emotional and spiritual suppor t for terminal illness patients and their families, hospice care is highly recommended. Further, supplementary care such as relaxation therapy, massage, and acupuncture are used to manage signs, symptoms and other causes of distress and pain. Analysis of â€Å"Patient Journey† An analysis of the ‘Patient Journey’ reveals several challenges that terminally ill patients encounter throughout the rest of their lives. Easily identified in the analysed case of the terminally ill John is the challenge of frequent admissions into health facilities. Accompanying these frequent admission are numerous treatments and therapies such as blood transfusion, which make the patient‘s life more painful and unbearable. In spite of these therapies and treatments, John’s condition continues to deteriorate, rendering him unconscious and unable to make decisions on his own about his health care. John’s family makes the situation worse since they respond to all questi ons directed at John. This scenario implies that the nurses could not engage the patient directly with questions regarding his health care (Abma et al., 2005). In fact, the patient’s family intervenes whenever the nurses wanted to relieve his pain by administering painkillers. Further, it is the family’s voice and opinion that was heard over John’

Sunday, July 28, 2019

In-depth comparative analysis research paper between two different Essay

In-depth comparative analysis research paper between two different firms operating in two different countries but which have sim - Essay Example Proctar & Gamble, a company founded in United States by two British men around 150 years ago, aims to provide products and services of superior quality and value. What began as a family oriented business then became a multi-national in no time. It is today one of the leading firms worldwide which caters to providing consumer goods. Unilever, founded in 1890, started off by making a soap that helped popularize cleanliness and hygiene. Today, it has grown in the same way as P & G and has similar goals and likewise, faces similar problems. As the firms are now multi-nationals and have large operating units in different parts of the world, different cultures gives them different challenges which should be met tactfully so as to avoid controversies. Procter & Gamble, India, has a diverse range of popular products, for example Pantene shampoo, Ariel washing detergent, Pampers baby diapers etc. P & G has now settled in to the country but faced several problems in the beginning. One example is that of promoting Pampers. Indian Women preferred cloth nappies than diapers and the women who did shift to Pampers were often referred to as lazy or that they did not give their babies enough attention. With such cultural walls, Pampers found it difficult to break in to the industry, its strongest competitor being the common nappies.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Alcohol abuse in the college age population in Massachusetts Research Paper

Alcohol abuse in the college age population in Massachusetts - Research Paper Example rial, (Journal of American College Health, Promoting psychosocial adjustment and stress management in first-year college students: the benefits of engagement in a psychosocial wellness seminar). The world today has faced great challenges in getting long lasting solutions to solve alcohol abuse. This paper will critically evaluate measurable goals that can be implemented by widely spreading knowledge on effects of alcohol abuse. This paper will elaborate on the important roles public health nurse has on families, college students and perplexed parents. The quest for informed decision making in our colleges is a gap that has remained unfilled for several years now and the community in general. The paper will shed light on health problems, risks of certain terminal illnesses and alcohol dependence. In any given institution, the role of a qualified public health nurse is very important. Parents send the children to learning institutions with an aim to develop and nurture talents. This might not be the case if proper management is not put in place. Alcoholism has robbed off our youth’s potential and put the energies down the drain. With the aid of a public health nurse, our students in the institutions can benefit from the vast knowledge of a public health nurse. The main roles will to teach and provide all relevant information to the students to acquire on the side effects of alcohol, (Journal of Community Health, 2005 Alcohol Response and Consumption in Adolescent Rhesus Macaques: Life History and Genetic Influences Alcohol). The public health nurse will be of great importance in promoting healthy life styles. The nurse has the mandate to interpret relevant information to the students, families and the entire community. By so doing, the nurse will be in a better position to explain terms and the issues pertaining to alcohol intake and the pro and cons of the use of the substance. A valid example would be the public nurse will explain to the students the many

Friday, July 26, 2019

Employee Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Employee Relations - Essay Example The Union disagreed with the Company’s decision to use a different criteria of determining eligibility for promotion and transfers instead of the one agreed upon during the collective bargaining agreement. The third grievance was about a discriminatory action by the company on its allocation of the parking lots. The union argued that the plant workers were allocated the farthest lots from the entrance. 2. What sections of the Wagner Act are in question here? Explain In all the three grievances touched a number of Wegner act sections particularly with regard to the regulation of collective bargain agreement engagements. For example, section 8(a) 3 of the act prohibits employees against discriminatory acts such as assigning them less desirable conditions as was witnessed in the allocation of parking slots in the company. The section also stipulates that matters of promotion or transfers should be solely based on seniority, merit and other criteria of determining eligibility sign ed in the collective bargaining agreement (Budd, 234). In this regard the second grievance will also be handled using section 2 of the act. ... In my opinion, all the three grievances of the union against the company were genuine. In the first grievance, I would rule that the company breached the contract by making changes in the time schedules prior to a mutual agreement. In the second grievance, the company also violated the collective bargaining agreement by using different criteria of eligibility in giving a temporary transfer to a Janitor instead of Mr. Burn who best suitable according to the provisions of the collective bargain agreement. Finally, allocating park workers the farthest car park slots was also discriminatory since it ensured that the workers spent more time between the parking lot and their working stations and this reduced the amount of their monthly bonus. Case 2__ Does the Duty to Bargain Preclude Unilateral Wage Increases? In the case study, Winn Dixie Stores Company effected unilateral changes in the wages of the workers arguing that there was no impasse during the negotiations (Budd, 260). On the ot her hand, the Union’s position of argument was that the Company violated the provisions of section 8(a) 5 and 8(a)1 of Wagner act which states that it is an unfair labor practice for employers to refuse to bargain collectively with the employee representatives when making changes to the wage rates and other terms of employment. Questions 1. You are an administrative law judge who has to decide on this case. Which party do you agree with and why? As an administrative law Judge presiding over the case, I would support the position of the employee Union that the company’s action amounted to unfair labor practice as stated in section 8 of the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Cost of Capital Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cost of Capital - Coursework Example First, the cost of debt is a component of the weighted average cost of capital, and it refers to the interest paid on a certain amount if a company borrows funds from outside or it is obliged to take a debt from financial institutions. It is usually expressed as a percentage rate. Besides that, it is computed either as an after tax rate or before tax rate. Second, the cost of preferred stock is the rate of return needed by the preferred stock holders in a company. It is usually computed by dividing the yearly dividend payment on the preferred stock by the current market price of the preferred stock. Third, the cost of common stock is also known as cost of equity and is the minimum rate of return that a firm is supposed to generate so as to persuade the investors to invest in the common stock of the company at its current market price. Lastly, the cost of retained earnings is a component of the cost of equity. However, it excludes the taxes as well as the transaction costs associated with dividends making it slightly less than the common stock (Brigham & Houston, 2015). The cost of retained earnings should be at least equal to the shareholders’ rate of return on the re-investment of the company’s

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Research Paper for Organizational Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Research Paper for Organizational Change - Essay Example In addition, there is high degree of favoritism in the company. In order to implement successful change, it is necessary to identify the problems and their underlying reasons. It is identified that the company runs 365 days a year, seven days a week, and 24 hours a day. In addition it is pointed out that there is a general lack of safety at the workplace. Moreover, nepotism and lack of supervision are clearly visible to all. It is very evident that there is the need for a total change in the organization’s culture if these problems are to be addressed. However, simple discussions of change will not help solve the problem as the old culture will reemerge in a short while. On the other hand, as Hebert (2009) points out, in order to successfully implement a plan for organizational cultural change, the human resources department of the company should secure leadership and ensure employee participation in the change process. Evidently, leadership buy-in and employee participation a re two sides of the same coin. Once the human resources department manages to get total control, it should ensure that all the affected parties are a part of the changing process and are committed to it. Participation in the change process ensures that employees understand their stake in a successful outcome. However, even though there is active employee participation, there is very high possibility of cognitive discord. So, it is for the human resource department to identify this element of disagreement throughout the change and provide guidance. The issues It is recognizable from the description that there is low morale among the employees from top to bottom. The first thing that is found lacking here is motivation. As is evident from studies (Clegg, Kornberger & Pitsis, 2005, p. 253), all people are motivated intrinsically and extrinsically. However, most people show preference of one form of motivation to another. In the case of this company, it is highly necessary to avoid the authoritarian management practices and the evident nepotism. So, it becomes highly necessary for the human resource management department to make its managers and supervisors aware about the need to ensure intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. In fact, studies have proved that more than two-thirds of employees want to get appreciated in their jobs. In addition, it is proved that when verbal praise and recognition are given both publicly and privately, they produce great efforts. Some other forms of intrinsic motivation are challenging work assignments and schedule flexibility. It is evident that when used appropriately, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation help improve employee morale. Another point of consideration is operational issue. To ensure product quality, the key is monitoring and measuring processes and making any necessary adjustments. Here, the concept of Panopticon as proposed by Bentham seems useful. According to him (as cited in Clegg, Kornberger, & Pitsis, 2008, p. 18), it is effective to ensure performance quality if there is a belief among the employees that they are being observed, but by an unseen being. In other words, if the principle of inspection and surveillance is properly instilled, it can ensure that the employees will feel responsible for what they do and say. The benefits of Panopticon are enormous. It can act as a system of records and rules, making each of the staff feel responsible

Webinar report 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Webinar report 2 - Essay Example National benchmarks are essential components that aid in the recognition of RDNs when it comes to reimbursement and care of the patients (Hand et al., 2015). I was not privy to most of the information and issues presented at the meeting. However, there are certain elements that were familiar. For instance, I was familiar with various staff models and their application in various health facilities. The topic was very helpful because it provided various perspectives concerning RDN and staffing benchmarks. The presentation also assisted in understanding the inherent gaps that exist in so far as research on staffing models is concerned. Crucial lessons were extracted from the meeting especially in the areas of clinical nutrition and management. Consequently, I learned that information that exists at the moment has a restricted scope to the extent that it limits a comparative analysis between staffing models and facility staffing simulations. The functions of RDN have undergone immense transformation from the time of inception. The information obtained from this forum can be applied in professional practice in a number of dimensions. First, the information emphasizes on the need for benchmarks that can be employed in determining the essence of a patient’s care and reimbursement. Benchmarks are necessary because they can assist a healthcare practitioner in creating standards for staffing levels with key components being staff characteristics and hospital. Hand, RK; Jordan, B; DeHoog, S; Pavlinac, J; Abram, JK; Parrot, JS. (2015). Inpatient Staffing Needs for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists in 21st Century Acute Care Facilities. E-pub ahead of print at Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Project - Essay Example The total long term assets for this company in the year 2010 were recorded to be $86,113,000. As time went on, the company continued improving and by the year 2013, this value was recorded to be $142,431,000. In terms of liabilities, the percentage of liabilities for the company has been recorded to decrease substantially. The company has been able to reduce liabilities to a desirable level. This means that the company is in a position to generate more profit and improve on stocks and products. There is a reason, therefore to conclude that this company has high competitive abilities. There is a reason also to conclude that this company is better off than even its major competitors. In the year 2010, the percentage of total liabilities was more than one hundred percent. This showed that the company had to give out a lot of its earnings in terms of payments. All the same, by the year 2013, the percentage of total liabilities was recorded to have reduced to values less than one hundred percent. This shows that the company had expanded substantially. It shows that the company was in a position to settle various debts and to increase ion size. Using valuation techniques, the company’s growth rate for the present and next year can be estimated. The company grew by more than 108 percent in the year 2010. In the year 2011, the rate of growth was recorded to decrease to 103 percent. In the year 2012, the rate continued to decrease. It went down to 102 percent. We can therefore, prospect that this year’s rate of growth will be 101.5 percent and next year’s rate of growth will be 100 percent. This rate of growth will still ensure that the company develops to the desired level within reasonable time duration. We notice that there is a decreasing trend in the rate of growth for the company. The reason here is because the company is continues increasing every year. An increase in size of the company will imply that a greater total change will be needed t o reflect an increasing fraction on the total change. A substantial growth would therefore still indicate a smaller percentage than the previous due to the increase in size of the company. There will still be satisfactory rates of growth for the company in the next several years. This is according to what the information provided indicates for the three years period. At present, the company is fairly valued. The company does not have extremes of pending debts that have to be paid. This means that all the sales made by the company will contribute positively to the total value of the company. The sales for the company are also high. This will attract majority of investors to buy shares from the company. They will do this because they expect to get high returns from the shares. Once this is the situation, then the company will have enough amount of money to use in all their transactions. The company will be in a position to invest more thus attracting more profit. The value of the comp any at the moment is fair. The company has assets. These assets are fairly huge enough to attract any financial market participant to buying the business. The company cannot be said to be highly valued. We can neither say that the company is undervalued. After reading through all the information provided about the company, we can only say that the company is average valued. The value for the company can still be improved through various tactics that will enable the company

Monday, July 22, 2019

Education reality Essay Example for Free

Education reality Essay Dealism Idealism is the metaphysical and epistemological doctrine that ideas or thoughts make up fundamental reality. Essen? ally, it is any philosophy which argues that the only thing actually knowable is consciousness (or the contents of consciousness), whereas we never can be sure that ma? er or anything in the outside world really exists. Thus, the only real things are mental en es, not physical things (which exist only in the sense that they are perceived) Progressivism Progressivist believes that individuality, progress, and change are fundamental to ones educa? on. Believing that people learn best from what they consider most relevant to their lives, progressivist centers their curricula on the needs, experiences, interests, and abili? es of students. Progressivist teachers try making school interes? ng and useful by planning lessons that provoke curiosity. In a progressivist school, students are ac? vely learning. The students interact with one another and develop social quali? es such as coopera? on and tolerance for dierent points of view. Essen? alism It is an educa? onal philosophy whose adherents believe that children should learn the  tradi? onal basic subjects thoroughly and rigorously. In this philosophical school of thought, the aim is to ins? ll students with the essen? als of academic knowledge, enac? ng a back-to-basics approach. Essen? alism ensures that the accumulated wisdom of our civiliza? on as taught in the tradi? onal academic disciplines is passed on from teacher to student. Such disciplines might include Reading, Wri? ng, Literature, Foreign Languages, History, Mathema? cs, Science, Art, and Music. Moreover, this tradi? onal approach is meant to train the mind, promote reasoning, and  ensure a common culture. Realism Realism, at its simplest and most general, is the view that en es of a certain type have an objec? ve reality, a reality that is completely ontologically independent of our conceptual schemes, linguis? c prac? ces, beliefs, etc. Thus, en es (including abstract concepts and universals as well as more concrete objects) have an existence independent of the act of percep? on, and independent of their names. Reconstruc? onism Social Reconstruc? onism is a philosophy that emphasizes the addressing of social ques? ons and  a quest to create a be? er society and worldwide democracy. Reconstruc? onist educators focus on a curriculum that highlights social reform as the aim of educa? on. Existen? alism It is based on the view that humans de3ne their own meaning in life, and try to make ra? onal decisions despite exis? ng in an irra? onal universe. It focuses on the ques? on of human existence, and the feeling that there is no purpose or explana? on at the core of existence. It holds that, as there is no God or any other transcendent force, the only way to counter this  nothingness (and hence to 3nd meaning in life) is by embracing existence. Pragma? sm Pragma? sm is a rejec? on of the idea that the func? on of thought is to describe, represent, or mirror reality. Instead, pragma? sts consider thought to be a product of the interac? on between organism and environment. Thus, the func? on of thought is as an instrument or tool for predic? on, ac? on, and problem solving. Pragma? sts contend that most philosophical topics— such as the nature of knowledge, language, concepts, meaning, belief, and science—are all best viewed in terms of their prac?  cal uses and successes rather than in terms of representa? ve accuracy Perennialism Believe that one should teach the things that one deems to be of everlas? ng per? nence to all people everywhere. They believe that the most important topics develop a person. Since details of fact change constantly, these cannot be the most important. Therefore, one should teach principles, not facts. Since people are human, one should teach 3rst about humans, not machines or techniques. Since people are people 3rst, and workers second if at all, one should teach liberal topics 3rst, not voca? onal topics.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Management Case Study: Coca Cola Company

Management Case Study: Coca Cola Company Cola-Cola Company Roadmap starts with their mission, which is long-term. It declares their function as a company and serves as the standard against which their weight of action and decisions. The mission of Coca-Cola Company is to refresh the world, to inspire moments of optimism and happiness, to create value and make a difference. Vision Vision serves as the framework for Coca-Cola Company Roadmap and guides every part of the business by describing what they need to achieve in order to continue achieving sustainable quality growth. People, be a large place to work where people are encouraged to be the best they can be. Portfolio, bring to the world a portfolio of excellence beverage brands that expect and persuade peoples desires and needs. Partners, nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together they create communal, enduring value. Plane, be a responsible resident that makes a special by helping build and support sustainable communities. Profit, maximize long-term return to shareholder while being aware of their general responsibilities. Productivity, be a highly successful, bend and fast moving organisation. Coca-Cola products Coca-Cola companies have a very narrow products range which are Coca-cola, Sprite and Fanta. Those products are sold in the market with a difference size of bottles which are 250ml, 300ml, 1liter and 1.5liter pet. Working as a Global Team Coca-Cola companies built around two core assets, its brands and its people. Thats what makes working at Coca-Cola so special. They believe that work is a place that the employer need go every day. It should be a place of exploration, creativity, professional growth and interpersonal relationships. Its about being inspired and motivated to achieve extraordinary things. They want people to take pride in their work and in building brands others love. After all, its the combined talents, skills, knowledge, experience and passion of our people that make us who we are. Coca-Cola Company has 92,800 associates around the world live and works in the markets. They serve more than 87 percent of them outside the United State. In the geographically diverse environment, they learn from each market and share those learns quickly. As a result, Coca-Cola Company culture is ever more collaborative. From beverage concept and development to merchandising, Coca-Cola associates are sharing concept across departments and markets in new ways. Consequently, Coca-Cola associates are increasing enthusiastic about their work and inspired to turn plans into action. With a portfolio of more than 3,300 list of product, from diet and regular sparkling beverages to still beverages such as 100 percent fruit juices and fruit drinks, waters, sports and energy drinks, teas and coffees, and milk-and soy-based beverages, Coca-Cola Company variety spans the globe. Management Function PLANNING Definition Planning is the process of setting goals, developing strategic, outlining tasks and then deciding how best to accomplish them. As a result of the planning process, everyone in the organization knows what should be done, who should do it, and how it should be done. It is a detailed programmed regarding future course of action. Plan also a blueprint specifying the resource allocations, schedules, and other actions necessary for attaining goals. It defining goals and then determining the activities and resources required to achieve them. Planning can be difference of type, an organisation can classify some of the important types of plans which are the financial and non financial plans, formal and informal plans, specific and routine plans, strategic and functional plans, long range and short range plans and the last administrative and operational plans. Planning function is important to the managers, managers need to plan so that the worker activities are consistent with the organisatio n goals and the correct type and amount of resources also can be acquired. A planning function requires information, judgment and decision making. Theories According to Dror (1974), he says that planning is the process of preparing a set of decision for action in future, directed at achieving goals. According to Professor Stoner (1997), he says that planning is of establishing objectives and appropriate courses of action before taking action. According to Archibugi (2008), say that planning is a method of making rational decision; a method that is, to some extent, common to many areas. Real Practice For a Coca-Cola company, planning is very important to them because according to Joel Ross and Michael Kami theory, they think that an organisation without the strategy planning is like a ship without a rudder, going around the circle. Its like a tramp that is no place to go to. Strategic planning, implementation and formulation are the core management function. One of the biggest factors for determining whether the organisation performs up to its potential or not is the extent to which the management team performs, the strategy making and strategic implementing function. Coca-Cola organisation thinks that only the good strategic and good implementations are the most trustworthy proof of good management. A strategic plan is the bridge of the future, which an organisation uses to lead from what it is to what it envisions it can become. Planning also can be a future course of action. Planning is concerning itself with look forward into the future and determining the vision, mission and objective of the project or program. Vision is that provides the overall frame of reference within which mission statements are written and goals selected. It also is the desired future state of organization. According to Peter F. Drucker, objectives are essential in all the key areas where performance and results directly contribute to the growth and survival of a business. The vision of the Coca-Cola organisation is to become the best and the biggest anchor bottler in the world. They mission are to refresh the world, to create value and make a difference everywhere they engage. In the Coca-Cola organisation, most of the goals setting and planning activities are handling by the top management. The top manager had set three objectives for the Coca-Cola organisation. The objectives of Coca-Cola can be classified as the strategic goals, tactical goals and operational goals. Strategic goals are statements of what an organisation wish to achieve over the period of the strategic plan likes over the next years, next five years. The strategic goals are considered when company is thinking of the long-term objectives. This strategic goal is set up by the top management with consultation by the parent company head quartered at Singapore. The top managers have to make sure that they are in line with the changing environment that they have to review in the annual meeting every year. This goals is to make sure that Coca-Cola company can continue provide the quality products to the valuable customers, to project an outstanding corporate and try to satisfy the customer through extra ordinary service and an excellent service along with the complete tactical and operational support. The managers also need to select and retain in professional people for the organisation. Another, the tactical goals which are define the outcomes t hat major divisions and departments must achieve for organization to reach its overall goals. The top managers of the Coca-Cola Company on an annual basis devise these goals together with the consultation of the lower level employees. After that, each departmental director have to subdivide the annual tasks on the quarterly or monthly basis to have a proper check to make sure that these objectives are achieved mainly through the marketing after the annual tasks is given. For this year, managers need to ensure that Coca-Cola can increase the revenue by 20% of the compared last year and increase the total retail customer around 10%. They also have to increase the market share by 5% and 30% of the reactivate the discounts of customers. Last, the operational goals which is that the managers set to ensure that each employees can achieve their own goals and told what are expected of them and then they are evaluated on the basis of certain rules and regulations followed evenly by theÂà ‚  company. This operational goals may arise some issue which is some fresh salesman cannot reach their goals so the managers need to ensure that the salesmen can find the new customer, retain existing one and bring back the discontinued accounts by giving them some training. In addition, planning is vital in making management decisions. Decision making is the study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and preferences of the decision maker and it is the process of sufficiently reducing uncertainty and doubt about alternatives to allow a reasonable choice to be made from among them. A bad decision making will have a bad result so a good manager must good in decision making, they have to must sure that every decision they make is good for the organisation. The decision making process in the Coca-Cola company is centralized. There are six step in the decision making of the Coca-Cola company which are recognize need to make decision, generate alternatives, assess the alternatives, choose among alternatives, implement choose and last the learn from feedback. In Coca-Cola company, decision which always takes by the top manager can related to the packaging positioning, trade discounts, advertisement, price reductions and distribution. So as a conclusion of planning, planning is the first tool of the four functions in the management process. It is rightly said Well plan is half done. Compare to the theory and real practice, both of them are concerning with the future action which is how to achieve the organisations goals with those objectives that are setting up by the managers. The difference between a successful and unsuccessful manager lies within the planning procedure. So for me, a successful manager should have a planning skill for achieve the organisations goals. ORGANISING Definition Organising is one of the four managerial functions which focus on allocating and arranging human and non-human resources so that the plans can be carried out successfully. It also means constructing an organisational structure that is compatible for the accomplishment of the agreed purposes, lines of authority, and responsibility defined, and a system of rules and procedures which lead the performance of subordinates lay down. Organising is how the plan will be carried out so the goal is achieve. Once a plan is planned, the next step in the progression is to agree on which individuals will need to be include, who will be in charge, who will keep individuals held responsible, and what resources will be necessitate, who will be in charge for getting those resources, who will keep an eye on the progress? Those phases are all part of the organising process in the project. Hence, organising is next to planning because once the plan is planned, the next natural move in the progressions is to get organised so the plan comes to fruition. Organising is also the talent of receiving people who do not work for you to realise things. As a conclusion, organising refers to the categorising of activities and possessions in a reasonable way. Theories According to Chester I. Barnard (1886-1961), the acceptance theory of authority, which states that people have free will and can choose whether to follow management orders. An order is acceptable if the subordinate understand it, is able to comply with it, and views it as appropriate given goals of the organisation. According to Chester I. Barnard (1888-1961), organization allows people to achieve what they could not achieve as individuals. REAL PRACTISE Base on the basis functional approach, Coca-Cola Company is divided into different departments in the real practice. Individuals who possess the same on the basis of common skills and work activities are grouped together. This method helps the company in attaining the economies of scale through high excellence of problem solving and lesser needs of guidance of the subordinates. Coca-Cola Company is leaded by the General Manager. There are a total of five mainly departments at Coca-Cola Company which are Production department, Industrial Relation department, Sales and Marketing department, Human Resources department, and Finance and Accounting department. Each department has their own functions and responsibility toward the company. Production department is in charge for the overall production of the Coca-Cola Company. Industrial Relations department is in charge for handling with problems connected to the operational surroundings of the staff and the matter linked to the labor unions . Sales and Marketing department is accountable for the producing the goods obtainable in the market and to deal with the problems associated to the advertisements of the goods. Human Resources department is in charge for looking the proficient pool of workers, choosing the professionals and make them pleased so that they should remain faithful to the company. Finance department deals with overall costing and pricing of the goods. They also deal with the trade in correlated concern of the company. Accounting department lend a hand to the sales department in making bill of lading and payroll entries. Example hierarchy of Departmentalisation for Coca-Cola Company: Figure : The departments under the General Manager of Coca-Cola Company. Coca-Cola Company each executive is made in charge for only a specific role that he or she expertise as the work specialisation is important. Each salesman is encountering different type of individuals as there is no tediousness or repetitiveness. The job is tough and promotions are based on performance. The executive of Coca-Cola Company receives report from the Salesman. These Sales Managers are in charge for the performances of the salesmen which they need to provide them timely comment. Assistances are requiring to be provided by Sales Manager at any time and it is a problem connected to the performance of the staff. The administrators keep an eye on an on-going basis toward these salesmen which serves as an efficient managing mechanism. The staffs have a lot of power, liability and information relative to the job that they are responsibility Nevertheless, every part of the information and authority relative to the work is provided by their individual supervisors. These procedure s are the similar in the other subdivisions as well. Figure Coca-Cola Company each executive is made held responsible for the actions of his or her underlings. An accurate advices and assistance is given at time to time to attain the purpose by the particular executives. Every supervisor is responsible for motivating their juniors so as to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the staffs apart from the delegation. Human Resources department lend a hand staff so they could recognise their potential and uses various technique to encourage them. In return, they offer the most excellent to their supervisor. Thus boost their performance, excellence of work and consumer satisfaction. The span of control is the amount of staff who report directly to a prearranged Coca-Cola Company supervisor. It is most excellent to have a minimum of 3 staff and a maximum of 5 staff reporting to their supervisor. This low pattern is as a result of the actuality that the organisation is a perpendicular and there are various individuals having different works t o do so. When there are more than 5 individuals, it is hard to be managed. Hence when there is an utmost of 5 people, the possessions and staffs still can be supervise in an effective manner. To the extent that resources allocation is concerned, the executives of each department in the Coca-Cola Company have the power to exploit the organisational assets whenever the assets are required for the purposes of their department. Special permission has to be approved by other superintendents if these assets belong to other superintendent. These resources may be capital, work force or other. When there are required positions in Coca-Cola Company and not on reserve basis, employment will be performed. The employment begins whenever a superintendent wants a salesperson. Foremost, it will send to be agreed by the General Manager of Coca-Cola Company before sending it to Human Resource department, HR. Example of the recruitment process: Human Resources department will verify from their Ex-Employers about the behavior and the cause of leaving. If the candidate is selected Education requirements and Screening Of the Personnel Available job are make public within Coca-Cola Company Human Resources department look for its data bank Selection is based on several decisive factors for various titles Aptitude test Example, for salesman Candidate is asked to turn up for an interview Candidate is asked for any references, which can make. If no suitable candidates for a specific profession If no suitable candidates, then publicise in the newspaper Coca-Cola Company If pass the aptitude test Carried out by the sales and Human Resources department Easy mathematics and common knowledge is tested. Familiar with how of English is also essential As a conclusion, an organising is the second function in the managerial functions. When the organization is well organised, it can be said that it is in the best conditions. Compare to the theory and real practice, state that the acceptance theory of authority which states that people have free will and can choose whether to follow management orders. In the real practice, people tend to follow instruction from the person who is higher ranking than them as they do not like to make their own decisions. The other theory stated that the organization allow people to achieve what they would not achieve as individual. However in real practice, people tend to work own their own as they do not wish to share the same authority with other and to prove that they are capable of doing it individually. LEADING Definition Leading means the process of influencing others to engage in work behaviors that would lead to the achievement of goals. It can be said, it is the third function in management. This function has a unique characteristic as compared to other functions, employing the humanistic perspective but require less systematic process for analysis as other functions. A leader must lead his subordinates to achieve goals more efficiency. Due to business environment, leaders are constantly on the change. Today, a manager must be able to make a quick and more accurate decision, either in consensus building or teamwork environment. Leadership is a complex process in which a person influences others to accomplish a mission, task, and objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leadership also can be defined as the ability to influence a group towards the achievement of goals. To lead subordinates successfully, the manager must provide directions and leaders hip to his staffs, to perform the essential task within the required time frame, and with the most efficient use of resources. Leadership theory are include trait theory (leadership idea that try to identify characteristic that differentiated from non- leaders), behavioral theory (identified behaviors that differentiated effective leaders from ineffective leaders) and contingency theory (leaders should be flexible and adjust to change in the environment). In behavioral theory, it include autocratic, democratic and laissez- faire. Theories According to Keith (2002), Leadership is ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute to making something extraordinary happen. According to Tom De Marco (2002), Leadership needs to be distinguished from posturing. According to Bateman-Snell (2004), Leading is the management function that involves the managers efforts to stimulate high performance by employees. Real Practice In Coca-Cola Company, other than the three of management functions, leading is important. The organization places the general manager on the top of the hierarchy. The general manager takes the responsibility of deciding major administrative decisions in accordance to the companys policy and operations. He will not be involved in the operations aspect directly. Departmental managers are tasked with leading and paving the direction for their subordinates. These leaders concentrate on two main parts of the operations. First, being co-ordination with each other in the operations, so as to increase the business volume. Second, employees are encouraged to give new ideas on increasing customer satisfaction. According to Herbert Spencer , that the time times produce the person and not the other way around. Coca-Cola believes they are practicing a democratic and laissez- faire style of leadership which are behavioral theory, through delegation and participation of employees. Since the sales a nd marketing team are dependent on one another, the team management concept is applied. The managers are very supportive of the practice of having subordinates treated in a fair and good manner. Employees are treated as part of the family. By encouraging them to participate in group discussions, using open communication system, employees are not left out in decision makings. So it can let employees always relax whether they are in work and also let them feeling that they are not just employees only come for work. They will feel comfortable as they are friend or a member of family either with superior or workmate. There have an highly open environment. Subordinates can show their opinion and feeling to the manager. Managers also will encourage employees participate to the decision- making so they will become participative so can make use for the group discussion. According to Victor Vroom, in collaboration with Phillip Yetton (1973) and later with Arthur Jago (1988) developed a taxonomy for describing leadership situation, taxonomy that wan use in a normative decision mo del where leadership styles were connected to situational variables, defining which approach was more suitable to which situation. Monetary and non-monetary rewards are used to entice a higher participation, especially from the lower level employees. The company gives high priority to motivate employees, adopting the policy of promoting employees within the company, based on performance, rather than recruiting a new staff. Achievable objectives and targets are set, which enables most employees to achieve and perform well. Paying wages that are higher than the industrys standard is also a part of the motivation plan. There are also various in-house campaigns and competition to stir up employees motivation. Motivated employees, gives important and timely feedbacks, like job or personal problems, which managers could help to solve. To further motivate employees, the company places importance to the working environment and goals achieved. The employees will get the commission if they se ll the products in bulk. The commission is base on the performance basis of subordinated. So, subordinates not only will get the salary but also commission. This can support and motivate employees to work hard and achieve the goals successfully more efficiency. This way is very objective and are perceives achievable by most of employees. Beside that the competition between employees can motivate them, other than this compensation plan also is a motivating factor as paying more than the industry average. A good working environment and a challenging milestone are a most important factor in employees motivation. Managers play a vital role to solve any problems of subordinates whether is job related or personal problem. According to Robert Blake and Jane Mouton in 1941, the five different leadership style of managerial grid model is based on the leaders concern for people and their concern for goal achievement. They also will give employees timely feedback about their unsatisfied. In th e function of leading, communication is a major factor in human relationship. With the contingency theory, the manager will be flexible and adjust to change according to situation. Information sharing among employees is highly encouraged. Top management seeks input and feedback from lower ranking employees, before implementing new company policies. The general manager is accessible to all employees at any time, if they have any grievances or suggestions. Communications between departments can be done formally or informally. The company uses grapevine to get employees view about the management. At Coca-Cola, the top management ensures the culture of the organization, which has its values formally documented and communicated to all employees, is adhered to. To ensure the successful implementation of the rules and values, the top management adopts the lead by example approach, when administering the policies. Employees behavior is reviewed periodically. So, as conclusion for leading, leadership is organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal. To achieve the goal, leadership of manager are important to leading subordinates to exert high level effort for successful. Controlling Definition Every manager whether in small or big firm needs managerial skills to lead the company. The important managerial skills have four important skills which is planning, organizing, leading and controlling or managing. All these skills are related to each other. Without this four skills manager are not being able to lead the employees in order to achieve organization vision, mission and goal. Controlling is once of the important as the organization will not substined without it. Manager need controlling to encourages others employee to be creative, innovative and aware toward their jobs, beside that managers identify any opportunities for change and development to upgrade the quality of employees and also their product, before it drives change the manager scopes and plan it carefully. Other than that manager used controlling to manages other employees through the change process to make sure it run smoothly, manager also must takes account of all stakeholder issues that happen to them to make a clear understanding and try to avoid from occurs problem. Controlling is one of the activities involve in management, controlling also one of the managerial skills. Controlling is the process of regulating activities to achieve organizational goals. Theories Control consists of verifying whether everything occurs in conformity with the plan adopted, the instructions issued, and principles established. Its object is to point out weaknesses and errors in order to rectify them and prevent recurrence. (Henri Fayol 1916) Control is checking current performance against pre-determined standards contained in the plans, with a view to ensure adequate progress and satisfactory performance. (EFL Breach) Controlling is the measurement and correction of performance in order to make sure that enterprise objectives and the plans devised to attain them are accomplished. (Harold Koontz) Management is the profession of control. (Stafford Beer 1970) Real Practice Controlling is done through the evaluation, which is based on the very objective basis. Some criteria are fixed in advance, if these criteria are not met when the employees are asked and evaluated for the reasons and corrective actions are taken by the respective managers. All this is control by manager to make the process run without problem. Different departments have different criteria, different reporting and controlling systems. The reporting, evaluation and control system of sales departments is Sales Persons reporting system and Sales Persons Evaluation System. Controlling is important to manager because manager used it to check the error and made a correction so the deviation standard can be achieved. This managerial skills is been using by the well known beverage soft drink which is the Coca-cola company. Sales Persons reporting system is where the employees give a daily report of his done activities to market developer of his area, sales person also are free to ask for any kind of assistance from the market developer to help him doing the activities. Every sales person will be giving a punch card which will record his arrival and departure time. They also will be given a route card which he must fill out to make sure the details about the time spent of visit the outlet, times during the traveling and it include the names of the loaders and salesperson time in and out of the vehicle. This will make the progress running smoothly and managers are able to control. Apart from this the manager also will inform about the next days order to be loaded in the truck to be deliver, this also will tell the manager the sum of sales by the sales person according to the brand and the size of the product. Sales person evaluation system is which the company help to promote their employees to the higher level of the firm. The evaluation also help to increase salesperson motivation to work hard and get the promotion or the monetary rewards which is given not only to the best seller but it also has been given to the best market developer and also the best sales manager of the year. Performance is measured on the basis of the achievement of the target which is set and communicated at the beginning of the year to each of sales manager, quarter to every each market developer and to each sales person on every month. This performance is evaluated according to the basis of performance development plan, it also development plan to the sales person on the call slips, route call, call completion, effective and productive call, attendance, growth in sales, market development and the punctuality of the salesman. As for the coca-cola company, the manager do organizational performance appraisal on the process which generate valid information about employee work effectiveness for the purpose of making informed human resource decisions. Organization must evaluate employee performance for a number of reasons. First, the employees need to understand the behavioral requirement of the job. Other than that employees work is evaluated for its contributions to company goals. Employees also need to know where they stand with the organization in terms of their performance, they also motivate to do a good job is increased by the performance appraisal system. Valid information about performance levels of employees should be used to make decisions about salary increased, bonuses and training needs. Beside that employees need a clear understanding of what the firm expects from them in terms of performance. The Coca-Cola Company realizes that a good appraisal system makes organizational processes more effecti ve because managers can use the performance appraisal system as a motivational tool. An effective appraisal system creates many opportunity for managers to interact with their subordinates about team performance measures, cycle times, company goals, service quality, and employees career aspiration. If there is no formal and objective performance appraisal system, employees may believe that the firm is unconcerned with treating them fairly, this is why the managerial skills is much important to manager to lead the company and it would not be complete if the manager do not practice all the skills indeed for the company future. Few managers would question the firms need to assess the performance behaviour of its employee. The proces

Information Giving and Counselling Skills Case Study

Information Giving and Counselling Skills Case Study INTRODUCTION As health professionals, every day we are invited to face patients presenting different problems and which need various solutions or therapies such as medical treatment, information giving, teaching, counseling, etc. I am a trained nurse in dialysis and renal pathologies management and I work in dialysis unit of our hospital. My main role is to receive patients with renal pathology and lead them to the Nephrologist, to plan and to execute prescribed treatment for those who are diagnosed with renal failure. That treatment concerns in general renal replacement therapies like hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. For the following work, I have chosen one of our patients because of the following reasons: He is a patient suffering of end stage renal disease and undergoing dialysis treatment since 2 years, he passed the first year under peritoneal dialysis but after developed chronic peritonitis and for this he has been transferred for hemodialysis. He is waiting for renal transplantation but now lacks fund needed for the process Because of peritonitis he has received painkiller drugs for a longtime to relieve pain but he finished by developing addiction to painkillers. Still now he continues to claim for painkillers while there is no valuable reason. He presents signs of anxiety and depression IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEM Identifying clients problem is the key of the success of counseling process. Problem exploration is an important step, because it permits counselor-client initial contacts and to map out the clients problem. For this, all the process has to be well prepared. The preparation concerns the client and the environment in which counseling will be given. Concerning my client preparation, to get his consent, I have before all explained him what is counseling and what its benefits are for people undergoing it. Concerning the environment, all counseling sessions have taken place in our service, in one of our offices that I have chosen because its calm, well illuminated and aerated and where distracting conditions have been eliminated. We used chairs permitting to have various positions but every time it was possible, I arranged them in manner to permit face to face interaction. This arrangement permits us to avoid distractions and to have a full opened interaction. Counseling sessions were arr anged to have place before each hemodialysis session, and I tried to avoid they went over 30 minutes. This has the purpose to permit my client to begin quietly his hemodialysis session. My client MV is a young adult presenting various problems. After a careful analysis, I found that my client has various problems which need to be resolved by himself or through assistance from other people. Here, I found that neededassistance could be categorized as following: Problem necessitating other help than counseling Treatment of End stage renal disease: the management of that condition is accomplished primarily by medication, diet therapy and renal replacement therapy. The initiators of the treatment are Physicians (Fink et al., 2001). Problems which may find solution with counseling Addiction to painkiller drugs: treatment by painkiller began while my client was treated by peritoneal dialysis. He developed chronic peritonitis with intolerable abdominal pain. For the pain he received painkiller each time he claimed it. After stopping peritoneal dialysis and starting hemodialysis, my client continues to ask painkiller although we dont see a real reason for it. We concluded that he has developed dependency to painkillers. Understanding a variety of models and theories of addiction and other problems related to substance use, describing helping strategies for reducing the negative effects of substance use, abuse, and dependency are among competencies of a counselor in addiction (U.S CSAT, 2005). Problem which may find solution in combination of medical assistance and counseling: Anxiety and depression which according to my assessment are due to: Waiting a long time the renal transplantation without hope to find financial assistance for the process. Thinking to be useless for the family Anxiety and fear of the future: before he felt sick, he was going to begin university studies and has been obliged to stop them Brusque stop of painkiller treatment Cucor D. et al, (2007)recognized that depression is one of common mental health problem for people with End-stage renal disease. According to them, depression is one of factors influencing morbidity and mortality rates among those people. Various medications are used to fight anxiety and depression but to be more effective, medication need to be combined with other therapies like behavioral therapies. When associated, both medical and behavioral therapy, patient benefits from better decrease in symptoms and a lesser risk of setback ( The client has developed dependency on painkillers drugs and has been obliged to stop them without any psychological assistance to help him to do gentle withdraw from drug taking. According to my assessment and a long time passed with the client, its for that problem that my client needs to be helped firstly and its about it I have chosen to work with him as also he has wished. It may be a hard task, but this will help the client and will help me to get more experienced because we are lacking experienced counselors. TRANSCRIPT OF PART OF MY COUNSELLING INTERACTION WITH MY CLIENT During counseling sessions, the counselor uses various techniques to interact with his client. Communication and interaction management skills are used during counseling interaction and their use depends on how the session is going. Here below is a short transcript of one session I had with my client. Myself: you come just to present me problems which are stressing your life, could you tell me now about the intensity of each problem? Here I have used questioning skills to help my client to express himself and explore issues concerning his problems. Client: As I told you in the last session, I have been suffering from chronic renal failure there are now more than 3 years. As you see it, I am young and I was about to begin my university studies when I felt ill. At the beginning, I was confident even though my doctor had told me that I will need long term treatment. Now when I think about my future, I feel hopeless. My studies stopped, I lost a lot of money with medical treatment, and I dont have money for renal transplantation, and for my unluckiness although he knows that I am suffering the doctor has stopped my injections of painkiller. Myself: I understand you feel overburden by all those problems; according to you which problem is mostly troubling your life? What are your main concerns? Client: actually its my continuous unrelieved pain. Myself: Can you briefly speak about that pain? Here, focusing skills to bring my client to give a clear definition of the problem for which he needs our help. Client: as you know it, I have started treatment with peritoneal dialysis. After 5 months of treatment I developed peritoneal infection which was causing me serious pain. Other patients who had the same problem in the past advised me to ask to my doctor to prescribe me Pethidine which relieves pain and permits to sleep. Here, active listening skills helped me to show to my client that I am attentive to what he is telling me. Myself: how did you appreciate the treatment with Pethidine? Here also I used questioning skills to get full information which can help me to analyze the relationship between my clients problems and his medical history. Client: at the start it was wonderful to not feel pain and I was again able to close my eyes and sleep. Myself: and after? Client: after, it became impossible for me to sleep without my injection and one injection a day was not sufficient for me. For this, all the day I was harassing my nurse to provide me Pethidine. Myself: You told me that when you begin treatment with Pethidine everything was ok, no pain and you were able to sleep. So, how did you take it when the Nephrologist decided to stop Pethidine injection for you? Here I used summarizing skills to help my client to stay fixed on our subject; pain. I asked him that question as a challenge to see if he will continue to tell me that he still needs Pethidine injection. Client: it has been a bad moment for me and up to now I dont understand him because I am still feeling pain. Myself: how do you feel when you are at your home? His family members have told me that he is quite at home and claims to feel pain only when he arrives in medical facilities. I wanted to get deep information about his pain. Client: Not very bad. I feel exaggerated pain when I come for treatment. THEORETICAL UNDERPINNINGS In this work, I have been using the client-centered approach. That approach of counseling has been conceptualized by Carl Rogers (1946). The fundamental belief turns around the idea that each individual innately strives towards self actualization, in the other words to be the best that he can. Essentially the person or child centered approach extends the central conditions of empathy, no conditional positive regard and congruence to the client, facilitating, in a reflective and non directive way the clients exploration and harmonizing of his emotional and personal issues that have been arisen from his lifes experiences. The target is, to help the client to give up the personal image which he has built around his individual experiencing (Mearns D. Thorne B, 2000 p5). This approach considers a client as an active agent, able to take responsibility for his own condition. Palmer reinforces this when he notes clients are encouraged to explore their most intimately held opinions and values, in order to discover for themselves, what it is that really matters to them, what it is worth living for or what would be worth dying for (Palmer, 1996:p31). The respect of client is essential in this approach. According to Corey (1977) the strength of this approach come from its capacity to focus on preferences and pathways headed for personal growth. Emphasis is on freedom, responsibility and the persons ability to redesign his life through attentive choice. The counselor-client relationship is also essential to good practice of client-centered approach. To participate effectively in counseling, Freshwater (2003) claims that nurses necessitate to recognize the client as an equal, though as clients often view nurses as experts it can make this relationship difficult to obtain. Through this work I have been using the theories of motivational interviewing counseling, in which the main objective of the counselor is to identify and work with the clients motivation to change. Motivational interviewing builds on Carl Rogers optimistic theories about peoples capabilities for exercising free choice and changing through a process of self-actualization (Alcohol answers, 21.8.2009). The therapeutic relationship counselor-client is a reciprocal partnership. The counselors role in motivational interviewing is directive, with a goal of eliciting self-motivational statements and behavioral change from the client in addition to creating discrepancy to enhance motivation for positive change (Miler and Rollnick, 1991). As healthcare providers, we are often asked to act as change agent for our patients, students, and colleagues. When we play that role we try to help people make necessary behavior changes by instructing them in the whys and hows of making them. We may have been trained to believe that if we simply teach our patients what they need to do to change and do it effectively enough; they will change (Ellen R. Glovsky, and Gary R., 2007). In our daily work, tendency is to think that our clients need only medical assistance, but when we try to analyze the situation, we may find that we are wrongful. All clients needs are not answered by medicines or other medical and nursing interventions. Most of the time, we ignore the socio-psychological aspect of the problem. This is remarkable with chronic renal diseases like end stage renal failure, diabetic nephropathy, cancer, etc. Sensky (1993), in his work, showed how renal failure impacts on persons life. The impact doesnt only concern the physical condition but the whole person. With renal failure, various alterations come in the life; the patient has to learn new skills and strategies which can help him to cope with his condition. The patient has to attempt to adapt to his chronic illness and the necessity to deal with dependence on dialysis machine or other elses kidney to continue to live. In their works, (Levenson, 1991; Kimmel, 1993, and Finkelstein, 2002) recognize that anxiety and depression are the most common psychological problems in dialyzed patients. The same idea can be found in the work of Chilcot and his colleagues. They found 20% to 30% of End stage renal disease patients with signs of depression at various levels (Chilcot, Al., 2008). The other problem found in patients undergoing long term dialysis is a possible addiction on pharmaceutical drugs like painkillers (Manjula, Bennett, Chertow, 2003). Addiction is defined as a state characterized by impaired controlover the use of chemical substance and/or behavior. This lead the addict to seeking and abuse of drugs, a need to continue to take drugs to which some one has become habituated following a repetitive utilization because it produces some special effects like euphoria and other types of mental status alteration. Clinical manifestations occurbeside physical, psychosocial and spiritual dimensions (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan, 2008). Addicted substances are like alcohol, stimulant substances like cocaine, heroine, marijuana, and medicines like tranquilizers and painkillers.Others may habitually mix prescribed drugs with alcohol to numb the mind from staying on disappointments or personal conflicts. Many people persist in taking medications to feel better physical or psychologically even when no ailments are present; and some insist that they cant function without them. Statistics indicate that, the number of visits in emergency room for prescription and illegal drugs overdoses are the same and that individual abusing medical drug like codeine can be just as addicted as the one who abuses of illegal drug like cocaine. While prescribe medicines is absolutely legal, ethical and moral laws prohibits the use of medicines for purposes other than the original aim. Addicted people need therapists specialized in chemical dependence counseling and who can help them to recover from the addiction by reviewing past medical hi story and patterns of substances abuse. Most of the time counselors discover that long term abuse has produced undesirable psychological and physical effects. The case presented above concern a patient addicted to Pethidine, a painkiller of opioids pharmacological family. Addiction to opiates like morphine can occur after chronic pain suffer is given dosages to control acute discomfort, and continues its use long after pain has collapsed (ChristiaNet, 2009). Many people with long-lasting pain receive treatment by opioids. But, there are evidence throwbacks and side effects that may follow this treatment. Developing tolerance to drugs is one major risk, sometimes at short time. The second major risk is the development of addiction. Addicted people to painkillers becomeso fixated on getting more of them that the obsession prevail over the medical target of relieving pain (Media Planet, 2009). COUNSELING IN ADDICTION The focus of individual drug counseling is on the symptoms of substances addiction. It also relates areas of weakened function and the structure and content of the clients ongoing rehabilitation program. The first target of counseling in addiction is to support the addict to achieve and maintain abstinence from addictive substances or behavior. The second target is to aidthe addict to recover from damages which have caused by addiction in his life (Delinda E. Georges W., 1999). The addicts counselor works firstly by helping the client to be aware of the reality of a problem and the connected unfounded thinking. In the next steps, client is stimulated to achieve and uphold abstinence from addicted substance or behavior. This can help to develop needed psychosocial abilitiesand spiritual growth to remain in recovery process (Delinda E. Georges W.). ADDICT INDIVIDUALIZE COUNSELING PROCESS Counseling as a helping process consists of 3 main phases. Each phase has its distinct aims although the same skills may be used in those 3 phases. Those three main phases are: Exploration, assessment and planning phase In this phase, the main objectives are to apprehend the client as a whole person, to plan counselors interventions, and to arrange an agreement between counselor and client. Rehabilitation counseling and goal achievement phase Counselors objectives in this phase are the initiation and implementation of his treatment plan in collaboration with his client. Termination and evaluation phase In the closing phase, objectives are to conclude treatment process and deliberate its outcome with the client, and to arrange agreement on upcoming actions. Rehabilitation and relapse prevention In addiction counseling, the objectives of the all process are to rehabilitate the client from the addicted substance or behavior and to prevent the relapse. Rehabilitation Rehabilitation may be defined as the process consisting in recovering the capacities that have been reduced due to injuries or illness. The recovery is sustained only when there is no relapse or return back to addicted substance or behavior. Here, the goal of counseling is to lead the client to a full reintegration into his community as dynamic and valued person. Each time its possible, detoxification comes first, and after can be started the laying of the basis of rehabilitation process. Abstinence from addicted substance or behavior is not enough in itself. The addict has to see the profits of staying abstinent; otherwise he can relapse at short or long term (United Nations International Drug Control Program, 2003). Individual addiction counseling doesnt only focus on stopping or reducing addicted substance or behavior. It will also address the other related domains of impaired functioning and those are such as social relations, illicit activities, employment status, etc. When additional helps are needed, the counselor is advised to refer the client (U.S National institute of Health, 2009). Relapse Above, I have mentioned that counseling process has to help client to maintain abstinence after the recovery period, otherwise the client can relapse and return back in addiction. What is a relapse? There is a relapse when, a client in recovering period or in post recovery, returns to the addicted substance/behavior or becomes addicted to a new substance. Prevention of relapse in counseling process Preventing relapse is a very important element of recovery. When the client becomes able to establish some constancy in abstinence, he could begin to develop skills to put off future relapse to addicted substance/behavior. To prevent relapse, the addict has to be taught how to identify in advance, when he is headed near a relapse and to modify course of events. Through counseling process, by education, the addict can identify indicators of coming up relapse. Those indicators are like negatives changes in clients behavior, feelings and attitudes. Once the client became conscious of the environment of relapse process, his next mission is to build up the skills to intervene and change any occurring negative behavior or feelings (Delinda E. Georges E.) SELF-EVALUATION I am not a professional or trained counselor. I am only a student in nursing studies who is trying to apply learnt counseling skills. I have chosen to work with my client about his addiction. I know its a very complicated subject for a beginner in counseling, more experience is needed. Difficult to handle that subject has stimulated and encouraged me to do further reading and researches concerning addiction; what is it, its causes, its management by a combination of counseling and other ways of help like pharmacotherapy. During my counseling process, in my clients needs assessment; I was more influenced by medical side of my clients problems. The social situation of the patient has not been full analyzed and I think that this can a bit weaken the problem exploring process. The second difficult is to know borderline between intervention domains of a professional counselor and a health professional who applies counseling skills to help a client. We may think that its easy but in practi ce its very complicated. You ask yourself: Does the clients problem need a professional counselor or a skilled health professional can help? This can lead us to be fluctuating in our practice. I suggest here to insist on this point during elaboration of Professional practice and counseling skills module. My strength now reside in fact that I can now lead counseling process without apprehension, methodically and without asking about the beginning or next stages. To help my client, I didnt consider medical data as enough to conclude that my client is addict. I have spoken with my client but it was necessary to know what his family thinks about him. For this, I had discussion with some members of his family about my clients problems and needs. From the family I received information reinforcing the medical diagnosis of addiction. I consider this as a positive point, because we have to check the all environment of client to get real and full information which can help us during counseling process. Not long time after the beginning of my counseling sessions, my client begins to withdraw progressively from his constant obsession to receive Pethidine injection and stop to advise other patients to ask that drug. He was suffering from end stage renal disease; a chronic condition so we had many counseling sessions to prevent relapse. We didnt continue to work together; he died before the termination of our counseling process; but all this process has been helpful for him and full of experience for me.